Please contact our customer helpline 03457 643 643 immediately if

  • you are reporting an emergency, hazard or life threatening situation
  • you are a registered critical care customer

Enter your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN)Your unique 11 digit meter point reference number. You will find it on the card left by your meter reader or it may be found on the bill from your electricity supplier, or postcode and house number:

Your MPRN or Postcode is required.
Please ensure that you have correctly entered your MPRN
Please enter your house/building number
Sorry, we are having difficulties locating your property. Please check your details, or report the fault by calling 03457 643 643

Please tell us what's wrong:

Electricity off
Flickering lights
Bright or dim lights
Please ensure you have switched off all electrical and motor-driven appliances including refrigerators and electronic equipment.
All other fault related problems
Please choose a fault

Please provide us with a contact phone number should we need to reach you:

Please enter a contact number.
Please check your contact number.
  indicates a required field

Thank you, we have logged a power cut report for this address

We have already received a power cut report from this address on at that your electricity was

If you have a new problem to report, please click Proceed below

✱ Please remember to treat all lines and cables as live and dangerous.

We are aware that there are power issues. We are doing our best to rectify them.
We are aware that customers are currently without electricity in this area. We estimate supply to be restored quite soon.

If you have a new/different problem to report, please click Proceed below

✱ Please remember to treat all lines and cables as live and dangerous.

If your supply is not restored within 3 hours please contact us again.

What happens next?